Monday, August 17, 2009

Hello World

Hello world, my web log begins.

May it give me focus, to break the cycle of procrastination and perfectionism. For a mind like mine, its easy to get stuck in the details of bridges ahead. Of reciprocal blog links, google ads, designs reminiscent of Moroccan bank notes. Is my writing good enough? Do I have enough to say? What if I speak, and what I say doesn't matter?

It feels good that starting today, that it is written is better than how what is written might be better. By focusing on that, it will be better. Every day.

I am also committed to providing a rich, multi-media experience. Maybe on the internet, you can speak over no ones head. May no allusion be left behind.

With that:

"No one cares about what you think, unless you do what you think. No one cares what you do, unless you think about what you do. No one ever really cares what you say."

Designer Jack Shultz interview. In fact...

"What other people think of you is not your business."

I got that from Church yesterday. Perhaps its also the title of a book.


Musical Selection.

Marked a shift away from guitars to keyboards and marked a new reliance on studio musicians.

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