Friday, October 23, 2009

New Cornell Enrollment Infographics

Over the Fall I've created these infographics that detail the enrollment of Cornell kids from the fall of 2008 for I wanted to post them here first to get feedback from my friends.



Please let me know how I can improve these infographics and send me ideas for future ones.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

What does Ryan Gomez read?

Earlier I tried to put my whole Google Reader page for all of you to browse. That's actually very difficult to do. Instead of showing my categorizations of the 106 blogs I read, I can only share certain articles. I will faithfully do my best to report and annotate articles I find interesting.

You subscription would flatter me greatly.

Shared Blog posts of Ryan Gomez

A list of notable blogs I follow are as follows.

For national politics I follow The Washington Post and The New York Times. My family has a home subscription to the Post and I should likely subscribe to the Wall Street Journal.

FiveThirtyEight is one of the best. It is a progressive leaning political blog with tight statistical analyses that a baseball bean counter could love. One cannot control what one cannot measure!

For Additional Commentary I subscribe to magazine blogs such as the New Yorker. A lot of people feel that the New Yorker is uppity, but I don't. In print, I skip the event listings and proceed to read every word. Its writing is committed to getting into the heads of the actors involved in a wide range of topics. I am confident that any reader who picks up the paper will find at least one crazy article that they'll like. I shared the articles on Trent Reznor and Kat Williams.

I also subscribe to and Slate Magazine. They're both something to read, though I can't tell the difference between the two. They cover national events, fashion and stuff and cover Mad Men widely. I don't watch Mad Men, though I might.

I have blogs on Photoshop, Flash and Design, but I only read the articles when I have a specific tutorial in mind I want to read. floods my reader as does Layers Magazine. Aduzeedo is my favorite in this category, featuring futuristic daily and weekly roundups.

I'm looking to expand my Music blog profile. Of note, Fullundie features Soul and Motown selections.

I have a LifeSkills catagory that round up several established blogs that discuss productivity, money and living well. Consumerist, owned by Consumer Reports, reports corporate bullshit well. LifeHacker is also very good but produces lots of articles. The blog itself has different feeds, such as best-of's-only. Zen Habits is hokey and Get Rich Slowly will help those with incomes.

The Sartoralist has its own category. I'm a fan of portraiture and tryin' my ass to look good.

I have more blogs on Maps, GIS and Mapping API's than I need. Start at Planet Geospatial and wander. There are blogs on Strange Maps, blogs specific to Google maps, etc. Axis Maps is good, but posts irregularly.

Becoming a member of my community is important to me so I have blogs on DC and Muryland. DCIst is very good, but owned by a non-local group. Wonkette is snarky. Silver Spring Penguin and Silver Spring Scene for my predictable dinner-and-a-movie neighborhood. Start with DCBlogs roundup.

Post Secret. People send in postcards of secrets to some guy in Germantown, MD. For Everyone.

Blogs about Visualizations and Infographics is a mix of mapping and photoshop, have their own category. GraphJam and Indexed are joke sites. Flowing Data and information aesthetics cover it all.

Many more blogs await to be added to my list and please expect a healthy dose of recommended articles through following my shared blog posts page.

Musical Selections: Marvin Gaye: The Master Compilation (1961-1984) in .flac