Friday, October 23, 2009

New Cornell Enrollment Infographics

Over the Fall I've created these infographics that detail the enrollment of Cornell kids from the fall of 2008 for I wanted to post them here first to get feedback from my friends.



Please let me know how I can improve these infographics and send me ideas for future ones.


  1. change the font on ny, the a's look weird.

    You should change the 14-17 stat to 18-21. I figure you thought most of the incoming class was about 17 when they decided to go to cornell, but i bet more of them are older rather than younger. like old man kopache coming in at 21.

    other than that...good work. no "map" though. that will forever hold the reign.


  2. These are so cool! You're very talented. Do they take long to put together?
